Payment by Bank Transfer
Payment may be made within Australia by bank transfer to our account. It is essential to include the order number or the invoice number in the reference section of the transfer form. Our new bank details are:
- BSB = 774-001, account number = 207105436
- Name of account = Artisan Arcade Pty Ltd
Orders paid by bank transfer will be shipped promptly after the deposit has been received, usually the same day.
It is also possible for New Zealand customers to pay for an order in $NZ to our NZ bank account. Please contact us for the converted price for a draft order.
Payment by Credit Card
The credit cards that may be used for payment are MasterCard, Visa and American Express. Payment may also be made through Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Cardholders making purchases on the Artisan Arcade website (AA) are fully protected for two reasons: (i) even if the credit card information was fraudulently used by AA, its servants or agents or a third-party, the cardholder would be entitled to a full refund from their financial institution; and (b) at no stage does AA (as distinct from its payment processor, Stripe) ever have the credit card information to begin with, so it is not possible for AA or a third-party to use this information. We elaborate on these two statements below.
There is a persistent myth that if a cardholder uses their card to make a purchase and some other person learns of the credit card information through the transaction, the cardholder is responsible. This is not, and never was, true in Australia.
To quote from the MasterCard Australia policy (which is similar to Visa and Amex) on fraudulent use:
“Have peace of mind knowing that the financial institution that issued your MasterCard won’t hold you responsible for “unauthorised transactions.” As a MasterCard cardholder, Zero Liability applies to your purchases made in the store, over the telephone, online, or via a mobile device and ATM transactions.”
The only situation where a cardholder may be held responsible is if the cardholder has (a) not used reasonable care in protecting their card from loss or theft; or (b) upon becoming aware of the loss or theft, did not promptly report this to their financial institution. Clearly neither situation (a) or (b) applies to a cardholder making purchases on the AA website. Further information can be found in the ASIC ePayments code here.
Artisan Arcade does not collect, or store, customer credit card information. All traffic to or from the AA website is encrypted. The checkout page payment information is handled by our payments processor, Stripe (see more information below). The credit card information is never on, or passes through, our servers. AA has no idea what a customer’s credit card information is because all credit card information is sent directly to Stripe in an encrypted form.
This is no different from using Paypal with a merchant. The merchant has no knowledge of the credit card information of the customer. The only difference, in appearance, is that with Paypal a new window will appear which gives the customer the confidence that the merchant does not obtain the credit card information. With AA there is no separate window, it is all handled by a separate API which encrypts all credit card information and sends it directly to Stripe. So while a customer may think that AA has knowledge of their credit information, AA does not. Ever. Which means that even if our site was hacked (unlikely) there is absolutely no credit card information to discover or use.

AA uses Stripe for all credit card payment processing. Stripe is a USD$95 billion dollar payments processor that operates in 46 countries and has its headquarters in San Francisco. Some of the major companies that use Stripe can be seen here.
Payments processors such as Stripe comply with the industry standard called PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), which sets consistent security measures with the aim of reducing credit card fraud. The highest security standard that a payment processor can obtain is Level 1. Stripe is a Level 1 payment processor.
To summarise, a cardholder making purchases on the AA website can never be liable for fraudulent use of the card arising from the transaction and furthermore, AA never has the information to enable fraudulent use.
Free Shipping!
for all orders over $99 to AU
Flat rate
$11.00 to AU, $19.95 to NZ (excl. kava)